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More About Me.

My core values when working with kids are


Inclusion- making sure we include everyone. 

Respect- making sure we are listening to everyone, using friendly language, and standing up for your self. 

Commitment- not giving up, trying things a different way to accomplish a goal. 

Safety- Being aware of our body, controlling ourself, and looking out for others. 

Fun- Fun is the icing on the cake! If we are trying our best, then fun will follow!! 


** I use my hand to talk about all of these. Pointer finger- inclusion, middle finger respect, ring finger commitment, pinky safety, and thumb is fun. Then we all high five to agree!** 




When planning my time with your child, I have a basic idea of what I think

would be fun and the best fit for the situation, and sometimes that plan

goes right out the window as I see the need for an alternate agenda. I like

the quote “meet them where they’re at” in regards to energy levels.

And we go from there. During my time with your child I try to include

an activity that is active, snacks/meals, some down time doing

reading/crafts/etc.. and plenty of waterdrinking. 


Not all time has to be spent with high energy and excitement. I think there is a subtle joy in simple activities; sometimes a walk with no goals or expectations can lead to some great memories, chats, and discoveries. And sometimes a walk is just a walk. 


I hold firm boundaries around appropriate behavior. Appropriate behavior differs with every situation, I have a little talk about “ the rules” for the situation before we start so the kids know. During this talk I often ask them what they think the rules are, and in doing so they feel like have some ownership in creating a positive experience for all. When our time starts to wrap up I go over the ups and downs. I try to highlight the positives and we also talk about the challenges and how they can be improved for next time.

High Fives





To sum it up, my degree was largely based in experiential education focused on facilitating personal development and group dynamics.

My senior project was to design and lead a series of day adventure for the Big Brothers Big Sisters, which was a fun success.


To get kids out and about to explore the world around them in a safe, fun, and meaningful way.


One day sooner rather than later my goal is to have a small licensed child care center that resembles a home atmosphere. Kids will be in small groups where they will participate in daily activities organized by their teacher. These might include organic gardening, arts and crafts, puzzles and learning games, free play in the yard, cooking and baking and anything else their teacher thinks would be fun. There will also be an area set up for older kids who need a spot to hang out after school where they can work on homework, play in the yard, or just hang out and take it easy after a busy day at school.



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